The Women’s Project, EducAid’s catch up education programme for secondary age girls who have not achieved secondary academic standard, is a special class attached to each secondary school. It provides an efficient route for girls back into education who would otherwise have no other option but to go back and sit next to the seven year olds if they want to get back into school.
Abibatu and Mabinty started the year with over 70 girls in their WP class. On Friday, the last 18 were promoted out of the WP and into the mainstream secondary classes. It was an excited group of girls that underwent their orientation session on Monday morning and a very proud pair of teachers that set off into the community to replenish their empty classroom.
Education for girls is still seen as something of a losers’ game in large parts of Sierra Leone and in the North, in particular. It is wonderful to be part of a change and challenge to these attitudes.
Great job, well done to Abi and Mabinty. Keep it up!
If you are interested in knowing more about EducAid’s work with vulnerable young Sierra Leoneans, please go to www.educaid.org.uk and www.sierraleonegirls@blogspot.com