Plenty of adrenaline coursing through the veins of many a Paris-Brussels participant and supporter. Phil, the bike man, had no space in his shop this morning for all the bikes he was MOTing and making safe. Janet B has not slept lying down, I don’t think, in about a month with organising routes, drivers and maps. Janet L is cooking up flapjacks, banana cakes and the likes in vast quantities, as I write….. and so on and so on.
The cyclists bit is the easy bit – buy up all the gel saddles, padded shorts, sudocrem [Phil assures us it is a must for tender behinds!] and, most importantly, ibuprofen we can get our hands on!
Most of the bikes are already packed and ready for off. The vans leave on Thursday and Friday is D-day. Eurostar for the cyclists at 6 a.m. ready for a 10 something departure from the Gare du Nord.
If you haven’t sponsored anyone yet, please do follow the link: and make your contribution!

The end of the last big EducAid bike ride: London to Paris 2007.