EducAid to date, has escaped doing any further self assessment than has been provided for by the public exams and we are very clear they don’t measure half of the things we think are important.
I have been so relieved and impressed by the fantastic work done by Rebecca and the team of staff and students she has been working with this last week. Working up from scratch using stories written by all students of their ‘most significant change’ since joining EducAid, they evolved 10 objectives and worked out how we could measure them. They worked hard, debated thoroughly and have evolved something really excellent.
The team presented their work to me on Thursday and were clear and enthusiastic.
We now have a clear structure to help us assess ourselves on all the key criteria we see as important and we will be able to demonstrate to supporters, donors and critics alike exactly how well we are doing on our various goals.
Thank you Rebecca – it would have been completely impossible without you being willing to give us your time and expertise – and thank you to the staff and students who worked with her.
If you are interested in knowing more about EducAid’s work with vulnerable young Sierra Leoneans, please go to www.educaid.org.uk and www.sierraleonegirls@blogspot.com