Learning with EducAid, a reflection on EducAid’s 25th Anniversary
By Evelyn Davies, Head Teacher at Coldfall Primary School. I was first introduced to Miriam Mason-Sesay, EducAid’s Country Director, in 2005, by a teacher colleague from my son’s primary school. I had little idea that that first meeting would spark a long-term relationship with EducAid and my school, Coldfall Primary, which has been transformative, enriching…
Read MorePowerPoints and plantain: fundraising for EducAid
By Olivia Burns, EducAid Volunteer Charities are rarely ever free from anxiety about fundraising. To trust in the sustainability of many projects, you need to have confidence in the sustainability of the funding. However this can be a hard task when, especially in the UK, much of the public feel overwhelmed by the…
Read MoreA Day in the Life of an EducAid Volunteer
By Zeinab Makki In celebration of Volunteers’ Week (1st to 7th June), Zeinab Makki interviews one of EducAid’s most frequent volunteers, retired biology teacher, Ken Hall. “You meet young people with a drive and passion for doing something to change lives – which you don’t see in the same way in English…
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