How do you help students accept and work well with people of different beliefs, cultures, languages, socio-economic statuses, education backgrounds, and learning styles?

Sierra Leone is composed of 17 major tribal groups, all speaking different languages. Muslims make up the majority of the population, but Christians account for approximately 30% of the population. There are not so many foreigners from other African countries: a few Liberians and the occasional Guinean who have ended up in Sierra Leone, but…

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Opening of the New QEP4E Buildings

We started working with EU in April 2016, this relationship has enabled us to significantly scale up our teacher training outreach programme as well as getting support for some construction. The EU has created a big impact in supporting EducAid and in educating vulnerable Sierra Leoneans. The opening of the QEP buildings commenced on Tuesday…

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How do we inspire the best and brightest to become educators?

The short answer: By engaging them in a new paradigm! In a world that defines success in $$$ signs, cars, houses and material possessions, none of the best or brightest will want to pursue teaching as it is never going to be among the highly remunerated jobs. If we can enable our youngsters to realise…

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What is the QEP?

As a follower of EducAid you may have heard about the QEP, our Quality Enhancement Programme, but you may not know exactly what it encompasses. In this blog post I hope to give you an introduction to what is our biggest reaching programme yet. Fundamentally, the QEP works with schools around the country to train…

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A Word about our Women – International Women’s Day

    ‘Educating girls and giving them the tools to shape their own future has an incredible multiplier effect on economic growth. It leads to increased prosperity not just for individuals but for their communities and their societies. It provides returns for decades.’ – UN Secretary General; Ban Ki-Moon Despite our greatest efforts, Sierra Leone still struggles…

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Kai’s Building Force in Action!

Amazing developments in Magbeni this week. Joseph M. Kai, our school site co-ordinator, has been arranging for a new building to be constructed in place of what was once only a hut. Together the local community has been putting together materials and skills to collaborate in the construction of our new building, as well as…

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